
Friday 22 February 2013

The Flea Feast

WALT use inferring skills to identify the main ideas in the text.

Flea Feast

The flea:
I wish that I could always lead this life
of mindless sucking greed I love to nip
and leap about and hair my victims bark
and shout.

The dog:
All those pills and sprays and powder make
me bark just that much louder.My owner thinks
he’s won the war cause I'm not scratching any

The boy:
Tonight I’ll move him from the shed And let
him sleep by my bed.

The flea:
I knew,if I stayed still and quiet,that I could have
a change of diet.

A) Who are the "victims" the flea talks about in the first verse? The dog and the boy

B) When the dog says, "My owner thinks he's won the war", what war is he talking about? He's not scratching any-more

C) In the second verse the dog says, "I'm not scratching any more". Why isn't he scratching any more? He thinks the fleas gone so he says he's won the war.

D) What is the most likely reason that the dog had to sleep in the shed? Because he was barking a lot

E) What made the boy decide to let the dog sleep beside his bed? Because the dog barks at the fleas

F) In the last verse the flea talks about having a "change of diet". Who will probably be the flea's new victim? The boy

This week for reading I read a poem and I had to use my inferring skills to understand what the poem was about. Inferring means means reading between the lines and using the clues from the text to understand what the author is implying. Try and use your inferring skills to understand the poem I read this week.

1 comment:

mum said...

good work hunny keep it up xox

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