- List all the words from the story that begins with ‘s’ (at least 20).
- now use the words from the basis for some poetry with alliteration ?
- Shut
- Satisfying
- Slumped
- Started
- Sitting
- Smiling
- Smooth
- She
- Sophia
- Surface
- Strand
- Scrolling
- Somehow
- Squeak
- Shop
- Squeezed
- Small
- Stung
- Shaggy
- Shampoo
- Some
- Suddenly
- Sophia stopped, smiled then she squeezed some shampoo up on the surface somehow.
- Sitting quietly suddenly she heard a small squeak she stopped and smiled.
- On a map of new Zealand, mark in the places where Sophia has
found some of her “ bestest” treasures ? 
Sophia had a black box with a paua on top.her dad brought a box for her from Auckland.its filled up with treasures she called it her bestest things.She had a giant marble with milky colours.There was a white stone she called her favorite.A long feather lay diagonally across the floor of the box.
- Using a graphic organiser list all the treasures that Sophia has in
her collection and the reason why they're special ?
Her treasure box is so special to her because Sophia’s dad got the treasure box her her from Auckland and it must mean heaps to her.She might not live with her dad thats probably why its so special to her.
- What do you think Sophia and her mum were arguing about at the beginning of the story ? Write the dialogue that may have taken place ?
- They were arguing about how the pony died Sophia was saying bad stuff to her mum so Sophie's mum told her to get to her room and clean it up but Sophia couldn't stop smiling.
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