Room 7 and Room 4 worked together this week. Press play to find out what tuakana/teina day is all about.
Tuakana Teina Day from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
I am a Year 8 student at Tamaki Primary School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 7 and my teacher is Ms Ah Kui.
Friday, 28 June 2013
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
My Beautiful Ancestors...
I am a Cook Island Maori Princess not a Queen,
But a daughter who is loving `
Who is desperate to share.
Yes Indeed! Who has a fear of heights and in front of a large audience
I feel the Courage, Hope, Faith, and Strength of my ancestors taking away my troubles and doubts.
My Cook Island ancestors are the mighty shield protecting me from the outside world,
Protecting me from criminals.
They are the ruler that will never snap,
The cookies that will always be in the jar,
Ukuleles that will always be tuned for the young generation.
My Maori ancestors are the wind whispering directions to make the right path come my way.
They are the ink of a whanau pen never running out,
The artwork that will be straight and solid to look at with comfort.
The stars that will never stop shining bright like a diamond.
The waiata that will give me courage to stand strong.
I hope with what I achieve in life will impress my ancestors to the point where they are singing my praises,
fighting for me in battle,
cheering for me and crying tears of joy instead of sorrow.
Today is Tuakana Teina day with room 4.This means coming together and working with a student from another class the buddy that I’m working with is Fine she thinks that netbooks are cool because we don't have to write on books and when we write on a book it hurts our hands.It's cool having a netbook because its easier to write then writing on a book.our teacher won't have to check our books all the time.All we have to do is share our work to our teacher so she can mark our work
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Persuasive Argument
Should it be compulsory to wear a helmet when riding a bike ?
Yes they should because..
first they could fall and crack there heard for not wearing a helmet
secondly they think there cool not wearing a helmet
This is why they should wear helmets
Should people who live in the city be allowed to drive 4x4 vehicles ?
Yes they should because..
First they have a ride to go work/to there job
Second there good looking and people might think there rich
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
Persuasive Argument
Should children be out allowed out on their own after 7pm ?
No they shouldn’t because...
One they might get kidnapped and the parents might get worried
Two It will be too dark and cold for the kids to play
fourth The police might bring the kids home for stealing
This is why I think children should not go out after 7pm
should children be allowed to have television in their bedrooms ?
No they shouldn't because...
One they might stay up too late and go school tired
three they might believe in shooting like dragon ball ze
and think its cool but really people die from shooting
fourth they might play fight and smash the screen
This is why they shouldn’t be allowed to have a television in their roomMonday, 17 June 2013
On The Weekend
On Friday afternoon around 5:00 o'clock my papa came after work for a shower.After his shower I asked if I could stay at his house for the weekend and he said yes.On they way to G.I to pick up my uncle my papa said who wants that red thing it means burger king too us,are you hungry my papa said,I said yeah I would like to have a kids meal they got them something to eat.Eating burger king on the way to Otara. When I got to my papas house I Kissed and hugged my dad with happiness.
On Saturday afternoon I was playing kicks with my two little cousins at the park.The part is across the road to there house.I took my little brother for a play around he played on the babe swing.I was talking my friend about what she done on Friday it was quite boring.Then my cousins friends came to play with us we play doge ball,soccer and other games.When I went back to my papas house around 4:00 when I got back to my papas I played on the laptop.I played zombies vs plants and other cool games
On Sunday my papa and them went church.My grandma stayed back and made some porridge for me my brother,her and my other little cousin that's only one years was yum.That day I rang my mum to come pick me and David up because they made some steam pudding and lollies cake when I got home I had to feed my little brother some rice bubbles then I had some lollies cake some,steam pudding and also played temple run and subway surf on the ipad.
On Saturday afternoon I was playing kicks with my two little cousins at the park.The part is across the road to there house.I took my little brother for a play around he played on the babe swing.I was talking my friend about what she done on Friday it was quite boring.Then my cousins friends came to play with us we play doge ball,soccer and other games.When I went back to my papas house around 4:00 when I got back to my papas I played on the laptop.I played zombies vs plants and other cool games
On Sunday my papa and them went church.My grandma stayed back and made some porridge for me my brother,her and my other little cousin that's only one years was yum.That day I rang my mum to come pick me and David up because they made some steam pudding and lollies cake when I got home I had to feed my little brother some rice bubbles then I had some lollies cake some,steam pudding and also played temple run and subway surf on the ipad.
Friday, 14 June 2013
What do you do after school
After school when you get home you go inside and say hey/hello to your mum,dad or any family member inside your house.after that you go to your room and take off your school bag and hang it up on your door,hook or anything useful.Take off your shoes and take your school uniform off change in to some cloths.If you want to go library then ask you family member for permission and if they say yes then you can do your home work at the library or at home if your family member says no.
states of matter - solid,liquid,gas
Solid Solidly Wood
Liquid Dissolve Metal
Gas Solution Plastic
Melt Filler Bend
Boil Material Mould
Burn Oxygen Steam
Freeze Water
Liquid is something like fluid , liquor , water or oil and is runny and smooth and thick.
Gas is in one of the states of matter, that has no specific or fixed shape.
Solid Solidly Wood
Liquid Dissolve Metal
Gas Solution Plastic
Melt Filler Bend
Boil Material Mould
Burn Oxygen Steam
Freeze Water
| |
Gas is in one of the states of matter, that has no specific or fixed shape.
My Hero
In the Pacific ocean not far from Rarotonga is the beautiful island of Aitutaki. When you see thestunning, clear water you feel like swimming in it. One day after I arrived in Aitutaki, I was starting school for the day and there was a bully. Usually I was scared of bullies, but this day I had enough! I decided that today was the day to stand up for myself. Jonive came up to me and pushed me. I fell and banged my head on a metal rubbish bin. My head started spinning and I started to feel weird. I opened my eyes and I could see a bright green ball form around me like the room was filled with a toxic green cloud.
When I got up I pushed Jonive. He flew way back like I had chucked a baseball to the back of the room instead of a boy. I started thinking, “But...but how?” So I picked up a half eaten orange that was on the floor and hurled it. It smashed through the wall like a bullet!
“Ohh My Gosh it can be that I have powers?” I thought. I picked up the rubbish bin. Everyone was looking at me. I could tell that they were wondering, “What is she doing?” They formed a huge circle around me and and once I touched the bin I only had to look at it and a blue laser just shot from my eyes.“What’s happened to me?” I said to myself. I was starting to freak myself out so I sprinted out of the room and found a quiet place to think.
“Man I just shot a blue laser at a rubbish bin.” I felt like a superhero!Ever since I hurt Jonive, no one,absolutely no onetried to hurt me or even touch me because they knew what would happen.
Some time later, some other bullies came from another country. They had heard that I had superpowers and decided to take me on. They came to me with gigantic rock. Their leader came up to me and threw it at me and then I ducked. Luckily it just missed my head. I saw a rotten feijoa on the ground. I used my power, called solidify, to make it rock hard and I aimed it at his face. He did something really fast and so strange that I didn’t know what he had done. It went flying towards his face, but then it rebounded off a force field type thing. “MAN!I thought I thought I was the only one with powers!” I wondered “How am I gonna defeat him?”
So used mytelekinesis to control his brain. I made him slap his own head over and over again. He looked so stupid jumping around yelling, “Ouch! Hey! Stop it!” because everyone thought he was doing it to himself.
When he was jumping around slapping himself I discovered that when I control his mind I get to use his powers. I heard voices behind me so I turned around to see who was coming next. I used my new powers to put a shield around myself. Before I could look, the next guy tried to hit me with the hammer. He swung it at the back of my head. It rebounded off my shield back into his face. He started bleeding but he grabbed a wood and whacked it across my face. I fell flat on my back. He picked me up by my throat with one hand, lifted me off the ground and started strangling me. While we were struggling I reached into my pocket, grabbed a handful of jelly beans and shoved it in his mouth. He started choking. His face turned red and his eyes went big with shock and fear. He wasn't expecting me to do that.
The last bully ran towards me. I saw a bottle with cordial in it on the curb. I grabbed it and hid it behind my back. When he came closer, I had had enough of fighting these idiots so I squirted the whole bottle in his face. It was dripping all over him then I used my polar blast and froze him into a giant, orange ice block.“It’s time to get rid of the trash.” I said. So I picked them up and squashed them in the nearest bin. Then Aitutaki was nice and peaceful again. No bullies, no bad people just friendly Cook Islanders and happy tourists.
Blogging About Taekwon Do
- We broke 2 different boards
- The 1st was easy
- The 2nd
- Then we wanted to break 2 boards together.
When we had to break a board I didn't want to do
it because I was shy.All of my friends said come on do it please.I thought to myself i'm gonna do it and I did. I did it for all my friends who encouraged me. It took me like one go and it broke it half.
Minette said ‘’If you guys want to break 2 boards then make a line.’’It was a long line because everyone wanted to break 2 boards. When it was my turn it took me 3 kicks and then it broke in half. It was cool because we all had a turn kicking the board.I never gave up because I was kicking the board and it was fun.
At the end Minette ‘’asked’’ us if we had any questions. It took five minutes for us to ask her questions and discuss things about Taekwon Do. In 8 weeks in Tae kwon Do we learned a whole lot of kicks and punches to defend ourselves.
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Bloom's Taxonomy
WALT to show our understanding of a text we have read by using Bloom's Taxonomy.
Friday, 7 June 2013
- List all the words from the story that begins with ‘s’ (at least 20).
- now use the words from the basis for some poetry with alliteration ?
- Shut
- Satisfying
- Slumped
- Started
- Sitting
- Smiling
- Smooth
- She
- Sophia
- Surface
- Strand
- Scrolling
- Somehow
- Squeak
- Shop
- Squeezed
- Small
- Stung
- Shaggy
- Shampoo
- Some
- Suddenly
- Sophia stopped, smiled then she squeezed some shampoo up on the surface somehow.
- Sitting quietly suddenly she heard a small squeak she stopped and smiled.
- On a map of new Zealand, mark in the places where Sophia has
found some of her “ bestest” treasures ? 
Sophia had a black box with a paua on top.her dad brought a box for her from Auckland.its filled up with treasures she called it her bestest things.She had a giant marble with milky colours.There was a white stone she called her favorite.A long feather lay diagonally across the floor of the box.
- Using a graphic organiser list all the treasures that Sophia has in
her collection and the reason why they're special ?
Her treasure box is so special to her because Sophia’s dad got the treasure box her her from Auckland and it must mean heaps to her.She might not live with her dad thats probably why its so special to her.
- What do you think Sophia and her mum were arguing about at the beginning of the story ? Write the dialogue that may have taken place ?
- They were arguing about how the pony died Sophia was saying bad stuff to her mum so Sophie's mum told her to get to her room and clean it up but Sophia couldn't stop smiling.
Thursday, 6 June 2013
Narrative practice
Later that day my sister came to visit me.We were giggling, watching t.v and playing catch with my dog.My sister notes my carpet, she said lets go some where.As we were in the car listening to the beauty of the music and singing along was great.When we got to this place the first thing I saw was,the carpets store.
I said “I don't need a new carpet”
she said “oh yes you do and i'm taking you inside right now!”
“I answered politely okay then lets just go for a look”
we walked inside this beautiful store
she said “you can get any carpet but just one”
I replied okay
I was looking around the room.At that moment I saw this very beautiful carpet hiding behind the other carpets when I saw the colours they looked stunning. She brought it for 60 dollars. When we got home I said thanks sis I like it .that afternoon I was cleaning, and putting the old carpet in it bin then placed the new carpet on the ground in my the time I putted the carpet down she said bye Ngatokurua i'm going home now.I replied bye.
I sat on my carpet.laying on it with happiness.Later that night I went to cook some food.
I sat on my carpet.After a while I finished eating. to eat, to me it was a special carpet because it sparkled like magic.That night I went to bed I had a dream that the carpet could fly in the sky and near the moon.
As I woke up..Then I had another dream about winter,summer,autumn and spring.The funny part about the winter,summer,autumn and spring was winter when there was snow falling down from the sky.I jumped on the carpet but it did not fly I tried every thing.But it did not work.
I looked behind the carpet it said this little quote that said magic magic carpet fly into the sky
When I said that quote the magic carpet flew, Near the moon.I could feel the cold breeze smashed on my face,the trees swishing back and forth, Great looking houses, schools and much much more.Meanwhile I was quite scared because I'm scared of heights.When I got home I rang my sister as fast as I could and told her to come.When she got to my house I told her that the carpet could fly.She never believe me that the only thing i hate about her.
when we were on the carpet I said the magic and we flew and flew.
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